In the last series of letters Thomas was writing to his wife in Gosport while establishing house at Nottinghmam. In this series he is on an extended business trip in the West of England, but writing to Mary in Notttingham. | |
1) Tewksbury Feby 1803 |
My dearest friend |
Thursday Morning - I am very much obliged by Your punctuality & sending me such charming, nice, delightful letters; they are exactly to my taste & feeling & I love You very much for these & all & every thing else. I am gointg to send home a parcel which hope will arrive safe - I trust the one I sent with Bills reach'd You on Tuesday evening & yet You say nothing about it. Don't fail to answer this to the Grey Hound Shakespeare Bath where I expect to be Saturday Evening, Sunday & Monday - on Tuesday I propose going over to Bristol & so return to Bath, where I shall remain till Monday Sennight when I propose going by Wells to Bridgchurch & Exeter - It is now half past 10 & I am in haste to get off to Cirencester that I may do my business there this evening & reach Marlbro tomorrow time enough to finish there that evening - I will write again soon. |
T18b |
I see by the paper the death of Mr Curry of Gosport; he can be no loss to anyone. I saw also the Death of Lord Duncan's eldest son - he was in the Guards - he went to the Mediterranean in a consumption but died on his passage. |
T18c |
I just now met setting off in a Post Chaise, Mr & Mrs Hardwicke of Nottingham with a female servant. Mrs H look'd very ill & is going to Bath for her health - they were very civil.
I am my Dearest one
Sent Bills from |
2) | |
Cirencester Thursday
My dearest Friend |
T19a |
I sent You a letter from Gloucester enclosing Bills by Coach together with patterns of Stockings for Mr Turner. I sent home two Books - Dodridges Memoirs cost me only 2 shillings & the Vol. of Sermons I mention'd which cost me one shilling. I have opened one new account here & shall have an order & remittance from the other customer I have here. I have by this evenings Mail written to our dear Lydia that she may expect me on Saturday to dinner. Marlbro: Friday Evg |
I began to write at Swindon but my pen was so bad I could not get on & had not time to repair it - after I had taken my breakfast I sally'd forth & open'd two accounts with two good people who I never call'd on before - these make four fresh Customers I have made this journey - I have done it more for the sake of convincing Mr Whiter I can do such things if I have a mind than from a full conviction of our wanting additional channels to take off our(?) commodities - - I have lost none of my connections hitherto but some of them were from home & some others could not order much at present - I however have the satisfaction of saying I found them all very friendly & not one complaint hitherto excepting our Boys fancy sold to (?) Green dropping in holes - which by the by I will beg You to speak about, as I forgot to mention it to our worthy Divine Doctor Bond. |
Your last nice letter I have read with great delight - I felt for our dear little Kate's mortifications but hope they will prove good Medicines. I greatly admire & approve of Your firmness in sending her to bed - sweet little Willie is a delicious fellow & in short, so they are all. |
Kate: Catherine 5 1/2 years |
I tell You what I took into my head to guess might be part of Mr I. Heath's secret - his taking to his Sister Mrs Killingley's Wine & Spirit Trade in connection with his Son - it is generally understood She has made a good fortune & may probably like to retire - this is entirely conjecture & may have no sort of foundation, but as You seem to think me a stupid sort of fellow on not guessing before, I just give this opinion by way of showing I have some ingenuity notwithstanding(?). |
T19c |
I fear from Your account our friend Mr(?) Alliott will be long before he leaves Nottingham unless he can borrow(?) another head for this journey & leave his own behind him to be put(?) into(?) proper repair against he comes(?) back - this, if it can be accomplished would be no bad plan & in the meantime Miss Strachan might take it home & kiss it & talk to it without her reputation being slandered by any of the prudes of Nottingham. |
Richard Alliott was the minister of Castle Gate Chapel. |
Poor Mr Brewer is terribly pull'd to pieces by his enemies - his friends however make him ample amends - the New (?) Meeting is in possession of his opponents, who have a Young Man preaching to them. On Sunday Morning there were not, I was inform'd by Mr Tutin Sen'r, not more than 200 ( (?) in the afternoon I did not hear). Mr Brewer preaches at the Union (alias the Riding school) in the morning there could not be less than 700; in the afternoon not less than 900 & in the Evening Mr Sam Tutin told me they were more crowded than ever he saw it. I staid after the morning service to speak to him; I address'd him as usual just as I should have done if nothing had occurr'd. I thought it better than to walk away without speaking to him; he has certainly been very culpable but on the other side his Enemies have stuck at nothing to crush him - the charge which he pleads guilty to was not sufficient of itself to do his business; they therefore fabricated others which were clearly proved to be totally without foundation at the second Meeting of the Church & a vote of censure pass'd on the slanderous reporting & this produced the vast majority to go off to the other place. The Mrs Cocks who is his accuser is of very indifferent character, or at least was formerly very Levis & I am certain was her husband & believed her own story. I should repudiate her at once - but the Husband seems a malignant Idiot - a fool to put up with his Wives Wanton Lew'd conduct & malicious in gratifying his revenge at the expense of his own & his Wives characters - but I must now have done as it is near 8 o'Clock & the post shuts up at that hour - I will write again soon; do send to Mr Stavely & enquire if he has yet heard of the Cheese being sent off. I fear I shall get into many scrapes about them. |
Bath Monday Noon
I hope, my dearest Love, You were pleased yesterday Afternoon at the receipt of mine from Marlbro: which I put into the Post myself. It appears I think that my friend Sammy Tutin did not send my parcel as he promised, although by way of a spur to his diligence I allowed him to enclose one for himself. The morning of Saturday the frost broke up but it gave a rough sort of salute at parting - it began to rain as I was leaving the Inn door but it was so extremely cold as to cause every drop to freeze as it fell; the consequence was I was literally enveloped in Ice. Sydney & his Brothers might have skated on the Turnpike Road all the way to Bath - my Horse, not being prepared for the Ice, "Straddled" at an alarming rate, & he however kept on her feet till we arrived at Calne, where we both took a good breakfast. I then had her rough shod & set out in comfort for this City. The rain had in a short time so completely overpowered the frost that my precaution was render'd totally unnecessary & long before I reach Bath there was no appearance of any frost. About 7 miles before I came to my journey's end, Capt Townsend overtook me. He had slept the preceeding night at Marlbro in his way from Oxford, unfortunately at a different Inn, or we might have kept company all the way. He saw Edward Marsh a little before he came away, who was well & told him he had just got a letter (from) Sydney. |
(T20a) |
I am not at all surprized at the contents of Mrs Brown's letter - I hope diligent search will be made, the "one witness" she alludes to must be the Harpey who laid her out & who receiv'd the unfortunate Creatures Clothes, & it is to me astonishing the friends and others have not been already most(?) minute in their enquiries - amongst other circumstances I should think. The Wretches Clothes would betray him for they must have been so covered with dirt as to render them unfit to put on so early as he was sent for the next morning - his servant must also have notic'd the state of them, & their being clean'd either by her or himself. There must also be many other circumstances at which people on the spot would have had an opportunity of observing which, if not too long neglected to be enquir'd into may I hope lead to a discovery. I shall be anxious to hear more of this dreadful business, as I cannot help being fully convinced of the suspected person's guilt. |
Harpey: (harpy, harpie) An imaginery hybrid girl / eagle. Renowned for devastation and revenge. A 'hag from hell', malicious woman. |
I presented the fossils on Saturday to Mr Townsend - he is quite in raptures with Sydney & John for the Critch & Shivering Mountain fossils. The first he says contains Shells he has never seen & as to the last it is the greatest curiosity he has in his Cabinet. " Sweet(?) fellow! - Dear John" - I will write a letter to him on purpose to thank him" ! - if he should write - John must of course send an answer - and so I think he had better begin to practice in an evening instead of writing to Mrs Rogers!! Sir Archibald & Lady Dixon & his daughter Miss Dixon are at Bath. Lady Clerke & Miss Townsend speak of him & his Wife exactly as Your Brother William does. Lady Clerke pitys Miss Dixon exceedingly - You know she [Lady Clerke] married her Cousin - he died in the West Indies & left her totally unprovided for (fortunately, there is no Child) & her Father is as surly & unkind to her as possible. Lady Clerke says she never saw more wretchedness marked in any countenance than there(?) is in his. |
Mr Townsend: Joseph (1739-1816), famed Geologist, author and minister at Pewsey. 2nd husband of Lady Clerke. |
I spend my time from 4 in the Afternoon in Pultney Street. Miss T & Lydia met me at Mr Jays yesterday morning & I met again in the evening but it was too cold to take our dear Lydia with me. |
(T20c) |
As I was entering Bath Saturday I met Capt Statham leaving it in one of the London coaches. I suppose he is gone up partly to the Silk Sale & partly to the Election which comes on tomorrow. |
4) | |
Bath Tuesday Evening 15 Feby 1803 My dearest Wife |
This letter is addressed to, 'Mrs Thomas Williams, Nottingham'. (T21a1) |
There seems this moment to have come into the Coffee Room much such another creature as my old friend Billy Fassett - about as drunk, about as old & about as foolish as him, & his friend has rather more grace than I once had for he deposited him & departed at once. |
Mrs Biddulph (Mr Townsend's only surviving Sister) dined at Pultney Street today. She is a rank Methodist; all the Cant, with not one Atom of the reality of Religion. She is no favourite then as You may suppose. |
Miss Townsend has this day receiv'd a letter from her friend Miss De Luc - the daughter of the Great Philosopher - she is visiting at Mr Galton's (Your friend) at Birmingham - the Townsends know Mr Galton by reputation & speak in the highest terms of him. Miss De Luc is one of the best informed Women in Europe. I sent my Sister a very long letter on Sunday & hope dear Sydney sent his the day after I left home. Lydia has not yet finished her letter to her Uncle Henry but promises to do so tomorrow. |
Wednesday Morning - as I was finishing the last sentence two Gentlemen Travellers, Messrs Goodacre & Mattison rapped at the Window - they were that moment risen from Dinner & were going to the half Play but in consequence of seeing me they turn'd back & we sat chatting till eleven, when we each return'd to our Rooms; all I drank was a little cold brandy & water, & as my throat is much better this morning & I have drunk two cups of Coffee, two dishes of Tea & eaten three rounds of Bread & Butter half an inch thick each, I trust I am in a fair way of coming about again. I have now one customer to see & then I go to Bristol from whence I cannot return before Saturday - I shall call at Pultney Street just to say 'good day' - - 1/2 past 11, I have been to Pultney Street. They had a very pleasant evening; Miss Lydia play'd two Duets with Miss Townsend - Mr Piozzi said Your daughter play'd very prettily & I don't know whether that commendation is highly season'd enough for You. He asked Miss Townsend if She was her pupil, to which She reply'd, She was since She had been at Bath. I told her I thought that was paying her a great compliment; it was at least a proof She was ashamed(?) to own her as a Scholar. She rejoin'd She was very proud of claiming the merit of having her for a Pupil. |
I found them very busy this morning correcting a french letter of Mr Townsend's & I was a little "Bug" on observing Lydia spy'd an error which Miss Townsend(s) quick sight had overlooked. |
(T21c1) |
Bristol Thursday 1/2 (?) 2 - I met Your nice letter with great delight. I am very much oblig'd to You for Your great & regular attention to me this journey - I met last evening Mr Stone, from whom I learn that Mr Radford's little Girl has the Water in her head; her recovery therefore is next to impossible & he also tells me the Infant has been near death. I call'd on the Miss Sheppards who have the Retail Trade of their old house of Willis & Sheppard to themselves - they are great favorites of mine & I flatter myself I have obtain'd a preference over Mr Stone, as they gave me their whole order this morning & promise to write when they want more - in Cotton articles they are full, having been supplied from their old house. I have been with all my Customers whom I find in very good humour. |
Poor Marianne I am sorry to hear is so terribly visited with Chilblance. I hope however as the weather is mild she will soon find the use of her feet. |
chillblains |
Friday noon. I was out very early this morning & on returning to the Inn had the great satisfaction of finding Your welcome letter. I am sorry I have not said enough about our dear Lydia - she is looking extremely well but not so filled as she was the former time, for then she was prodigious. She is in high spirits & her joy at seeing me was almost more than she could bear. She ran to the door & let me in & we went together into the Parlour for a few moments to overcome her excessive joy. Mr Townsend has employ'd her a good deal which has certainly been a great improvement to her. I will send this tonight by Post that You may not be disappointed for a letter(?) write to me. |
5) | |
Wells Tuesday Evg 22 Feby 1803
My dearest Mary |
(T22a) |
Wells 1/2 past 9 I have had a comfortable Bed & a good night, although I lay awake several hours & I amused myself by thinking of You & our dear Babes & of the (?) (?) I hope to enjoy in the midst of You all when I return with our sweet Lydia. I suppose my Sister mentions in her letter she has written to Sydney the sudden death of one of Mr Nialls sons - his Father having himself found him dead in his Bed! She also I suppose mentions a dreadful accident of a Vessel sinking between Spithead & the Harbour, with several people in it who were all chain'd, excepting the Man(?) & Boy(?) & I say a day or two since an account in the papers of the sudden death of one [of] Mr Eb .... l's(?) Sons at Leighfield who was alive and in health when I was there. |
Bridgwater Wednesday Evening. |
I was in full expectation of a letter here from You but am disappointed, but I must not complain as You have been very good hitherto. Tell Sydney the Landlord of this house of the name of Rossiter is dead since we were here in the Summer. The Black Man of the name of Dorset, who knew the Miss Browns is also dead - he is very much lamented as he was an uncommonly good character; he was going to be married to the Cook at this House & came over from Cross where he lived, to see her, but was taken ill & died here. He left the Girl all his fortune, which was between 30 & 40 Pounds, & she now wears a Black Ribbon round her head in memory of her faithful African |
Cullumpton Tuesday Morning 25th 10 o'Clock |
I call'd on one of our former Customers (?) at Mr Westron but who did not seem formerly so well disposed as I would wish. He had unfortunately given a large order only two days before, but promises if he has any room he will do business with me next time. |
I was a little diverted at Wells on Shrove Tuesday - as I enter'd the Town I met a number of Boys with Sticks & at the end of each a Rams horn. They were in the act of assaulting the door of a house which was suddenly opened as I pass'd & the assailants were saluted with a pail of water over their precious little heads. I found, on enquiry, it is a custom of time immemorial for the Boys thus arm'd to perambulate the Town on the Eve of Shrove Tuesday & knock with their Ram's horns at every door in the Town, at the same time crying out |
Exeter 5 o'Clock Friday Evg I broke off at the above elegant couplet at Cullumpton as my Gig made its appearance at the door. I had a worse road to go over than I think I ever met with. I was nearly 4 hours coming & it is only Eleven miles. My Gig broke down before I had proceeded half way but I was fortunate in meeting with a Man at a public house hard by who soon set me so far to rights as to enable me to finish my journey in safety. The Road has been indicted several times but it appears to have as yet had no good effect. They talk of turning the road to avoid the regular succession of hills which we go up & down all the way - in the mean time his Majesty's liege subjects travelling this road are in perpetual danger of having their Necks broken by Carriages oversetting which I think it is scarcely possible to avoid unless they proceed at the rate I have done today - I shall certainly return another way when I go back for Bath. |
My heart was set abundantly at rest by the receipt of Sydney's & Your two letters; if they had been a little longer they would have been so much the better, but as they are, I thank You both heartily for them. I am rejoic'd to hear our friends in the House of Commons seem to gain ground. I long to hear more of it. I shall earnestly hope for "a full, live & particular account" from our friend Tom Smith & hope to have before I finally leave Exeter as it will be a great treat to some of my friends here. |
Saturday morning - I could write no more last night as my dinner came & presently two Gentlemen Travellers who I knew very well, & they held me in talk all the evening excepting for about an hour when I went to pay my respects to a few of my Clients. I have a letter from Mr Dale about our Trim Shops(?) - that is to be, & to tell me also he has covented with "Citizen" Denison for Bricks for our Warehouse. He purposes my accommodating Charles Porter with 2 Stalls & the Coach house until he can build him new ones. This I should be very glad to do but Colonel Brereton apply'd to me for them a little before I left home & therefore he must be first consulted. I shall be obliged to You to call there & mention the circumstance & say I can do nothing in it without knowing first how it will suit him. I conceive I shall want the 3 Stall Stable ultimately, & the 4 Stall one I had an idea of offering to Col Brereton - but I should not like to determine absolutely until I know what will suit him - on second thoughts, I think I might venture to let Chs Porter have 2 Stalls of the Stable I propose to keep for myself, & standing for one Gig as soon as the cash obtained on(?) Mr Statham's consent [as soon as he has obtained Mr Statham's comments(?) - my time commences on 6th April. I shall as I said write to Mr Dale this evening & refer him to You. I shall be happy to do all I can to meet his wishes - I must now take my walks abroad, so no more at present from Your loving Husband Thomas Williams. |
Saturday Evg 8 o'Clock |
(T22h) |
The roads, I understand, are so extremely bad below this place that I have determined to leave my Gig here & take the Coach down to Plymouth, where I hope to be on Tuesday Night. Things are so extremely flat there that I shall stay no longer than I can possibly help - indeed I think I can manage so as to go to Truro by the Coach from Tor Point on Saturday Morning, or after that on Monday following but I hope not later than Saturday. I shall stop at Truro that Even'g & go to Falmouth in the morning, as I shall be more comfortable there on Sunday than at Truro - - Monday I shall finish there - Tuesday go to the Westward & return to Truro on Wednesday night, the 9th March, & on Friday the 11th return to Plym- where I shall stay till Monday morning the 14th when I purpose reaching Exeter by the Coach & on Thursday Morning the 17th set out for Bristol where I hope to arrive some time on Saturday the 19th - - You will calculate the time & write accordingly but pray my dearest love don't let me be more than 3 days without a letter, for it is the greatest comfort You can send me. |
Lady Clerke desired I would not think of taking dear Lydia away before the 21st March as on that evening they were to have a large party of Musicals & Mr & Mrs Jno Evans were to be invited - agreeable to this plan of mine I stand some chance of coming in for a share of the harmony which I wish You could partake of instead of me - but I must now bid You all a good night trusting there is a letter very near Exeter from You which I shall have tomorrow morning. I love You all dearly & am my dearest Wife Your ever affectionate husband